Well hey there. So its 2:39 a.m. and I decided to take a break from my exegetical paper. I've been working on it for around 4-5 hours today, and I'm really having a hard time focusing. It's kinda freaking me out cause I've spent a lot of time on it and I've only got 6 pages so far. I'm just over half done! I'm writing it on Ephesians 3:14-21, which is a prayer for the Ephesians. It's definitely a good one, so check it out!
Wow life has been sooo crazy lately. Exams are next week. I can't believe this semester is pretty much over. I have two more days of classes and five exams (4 exams and a jury) and then I'm done! Once I've got this paper done, all I've got is my exams...
But anyway, so today I was getting kind of stressed about everything because its just that crazy time of year, and I wasn't sure how I was going to get everything done. And then God reminded me of his faithfulness. I just had to say, God is going to get me through this, so why am I worried right now? I stopped stressing because stressing is just saying that I'm not trusting God. There's a lot of other things in my life right now that I need to trust him in. My future, things back home, some friendships. But God's in control. It's like that song we sing sometimes in chapel, "why do I worry, why do I freak out? something something... Better dressed than a bride on her wedding day." Jesus said, let tomorrow worry about itself.
I am so looking forward to being done with this semester. It has been grand! God's been so good to me this semester. And just saying, I love my roomates :) It was great, me and my roomate Kayla had a good long talk tonight about life and boys. (Also exegesis procrastination... or should I say exe-Jesus) It's so great cause we get good talks like this often.
So I was totally going to write a blog about last week cause I got to meet Family Force 5! It was pretty much epic cause they came to Cornerstone and talked to Music/ Media students. I got to meet them and talk/ hang out a bit, it was really fun. They signed my laptop and I got pictures with them. They talked about their making music which was sweet cause they're independent now. I think it would be an incredibly amazing opportunity to be able to record someday. They played for us a new song that they might use for their new album, they claimed that it had never been played before. But it was really good!
As for my whole build a well- water thing, I'm not really sure where I'm going with it right now. I've found a way to connect to the ACT:s group here on campus, so I'll probably get involved with that.
I also have been looking into a lot of different possibilities for this summer. There was a study abroad trip or two I'm looking into and a few different ministry type things, but I'm kind of lost as to where I should go/ what I should do. I guess it's all in God's timing.
I'm definitely going to be struggling to get through the rest of this week (and next week), so if you think of it, pray for me, and the other Cornerstone Students.
I should get back to my exe-Jesus....... I mean, exegesis.
Later dudes.