God is so good. Even when you think things are terrible, God still pulls through. Everytime. It never stops to amaze me. I am so blessed, and have much to be thankful for. I am blessed with a family that loves me, even when I do stupid things. God has blessed me with many wonderful friends, friends back home, (and not at home but far, far away) friends here at school, and two awesome roomates! I don't know what I would do without them. He's given me a lot of people to greatly encourage me and keep me accountable.
Last night, as we were driving here from my house, I was blessed with a beautiful sunset over Lake Michigan. No picture could capture that moment, as I just praised my creator. I think everyone needs to take more notice and wonder, or fear for God when we see such amazing things. It's sad how become so desensitized by God's creation. Not saying I don't do it, cause I most definitely do. But back to my story, to make things even better, the sky was clear after the sun set, and I could just see the most awesome stars. I was just imagining how far away they are, and it reminds me of the Louie Giglio videos where he talks about the greatness of God. He talks about how far away the stars are, and how big the universe is, and how small we are. Really puts us in our place doesn't it? ---
So basically Thanksgiving break was amazing, because God and I got to spend some quality time together. That's where the whole last blog came from. I still have to see where God's leading me, but I know he'll bless whatever it happens to be. If anyone has any ideas or wants to join me on an endeavor to raise money to build either a clinic or dig a well, let me know!
Lately God has really been giving me a heart to go out this summer, possibly on a mission trip. I don't feel content with just staying home and working. I feel like I should be out there trying to fix problems in the world. I know I can't do everything, but I want to do as much as I can. I haven't done enough in my life, its time to start getting out and being used by God. Who knows, maybe he will have me stay home and work here. I think it also starts with myself. Seeing how I want to do all this, means something else has to become less or gone. Like Facebook. It's definitely going to be tough, but I can't wait to see the end result.
I want to encourage anyone reading this too seek to please your creator and take the time to listen to him. So often I get caught up in the craziness and forget to LISTEN. And he's got good things to say. And if you don't know God, he is crazy about you, and if you let him love you, he will shape and mold you into his child!
I'm going to let this be my prayer this week/ month:
Let us run with perseverance the race that is marked out before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of our faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider HIM who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will NOT grow weary OR lose heart. - Hebrews 12
I wanna set the world on fire, until its burning bright for you. It's everything that I desire, can I be the one you use? I am small but, you are big enough. I am weak, but you are strong enough to take my dreams, come up and give them wings, Lord with you, there's nothing I cannot do.
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